Make sure you receive the latest Microsoft Security Bulletins
as soon as they are available with your free subscription
to the Microsoft Security Notification Service. Visit
the Product
Security Notification page for more information.
March 20, 2002 | PC
World - Extend your Windows desktop by spreading
it across two monitors so you can keep multiple applications
open full-screen simultaneously.
September 19, 2001 | PC
911 - Alex Byron of PC911 has posted an in-depth
article "Securing Windows." As Mr. Byron
states in the article:
It is your responsibility to keep
Windows safe and updated at all times to protect
yourself, your privacy, your data, your computer
from being compromised one way or another.
note: the article was recently updated. April
18, 2002
XP Tip-of-the-Day
Where Is That KB
How many times have you wanted to read a KnowledgeBase
document but just wasn't sure on how to find the file
or document at that huge Microsoft web site? Well
I'm here to tell you it's not a problem. All that
is required is for you to complete the following URL
with the desired KB document number.
The basic URL is
All that is required from you is to replace the X's
with the kb number.
For example: To read the KB article that explains
the problems with the Internet Explorer (MS03-015)
KB=813489. For this document the URL would be
Try it. More
August 9, 2002 | CNet
- Microsoft on Thursday agreed to make sweeping changes
to its Passport authentication system as part of a
settlement agreement with the Federal Trade Commission.
Note: The NY Times
requires that you register. Do it. They require very
little information for what is probably the best general
news site on the web.
is the NOCCC? (North Orange County Computer Club)
NOCCC is the North
Orange County Computer
Club. It was first organized in 1976.
The group meets once a month at Chapman University
in Orange, California. The meeting is usually the
first Sunday of the month. This can change, so check
the web site for the meeting
April 19, 2001 | PC
Magazine - An anniversary event for one of the
largest user groups, NOCCC, makes clear what it takes
for these groups to survive.
Up At The Next NOCCC Meeting
5, 2004
Computer Essentials SIG. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Science 111: Will introduce you to the world
of computing. [read
New Technology. 9:30am. Irvine Hall: Leader:
George Margolin
Understanding Operating Systems. 11:15am. Science 306: - SIG leader: Charlie Moore
Main Meeting. 1pm. Irvine Hall: Presentation
coordinator: George Margolin (
To find out if there is a SIG, Special Interest Group,
to match your interests go to the NOCCC
web site.
Mathematical Theory of Communications, 1949,
Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
Disclaimer: The tips and
other information given are researched and are believed to be
accurate at the time of publication, but we cannot and do not
guarantee that all the information here will work on your particular
combination of hardware, software and user skill level. All information
herein is offered as-is and without warranty of any kind. To the
greatest extent allowed by law, neither John S. Krill, nor contributors
are responsible for any loss, injury, or damage, direct or consequential,
resulting from your choosing to use of any information presented