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Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS98-013)Fix available for Internet Explorer Cross Frame Navigate VulnerabilityOriginally Posted: September 4, 1998Last Revised: September 4, 1998
SummaryMicrosoft has released a patch that fixes a recently discovered issue with the implementation of cross frame security in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Customers using affected software listed below should download and apply these patches as soon as possible. IssueThe Cross Frame Navigate issue involves a vulnerability in Internet Explorer that could allow a malicious hacker to circumvent certain Internet Explorer security safeguards. This vulnerability makes it possible for a malicious Web site operator to read the contents of files on your computer. While there have not been any reports of customers being adversely affected by these problems, Microsoft is releasing these patches to address the implied risks posed by these issues. Affected Software VersionsThe following software is affected by this vulnerability:
This vulnerability could also affect software that uses HTML functionality provided by Internet Explorer. Anyone using such programs should download the patch even if they do not run Internet Explorer as their default browser. What Microsoft is DoingOn September 4th Microsoft released a patch that fixes the problem identified. This patch is available for download from the sites listed below. Microsoft has sent this security bulletin to customers subscribing to the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service (see for more information about this free customer service). Microsoft has published the following Knowledge Base (KB) articles on this issue:
What customers should doMversions, listed icrosoft highly recommends that users of affected software in the "Affected Software Versions" section above, should download and install the appropriate patch as soon as possible. Complete URLs for each affected software version is given below. Internet Explorer 4Customers using versions of Internet Explorer listed in the "Affected Products" section can obtain the patch from the Internet Explorer Security web site, Windows 98Windows 98 customers can get the updated patch using the Windows Update. To obtain this patch using Windows Update, launch Windows Update from the Windows Start Menu and click "Product Updates." When prompted, select 'Yes' to allow Windows Update to determine whether this patch and other updates are needed by your computer. If your computer does need this patch, you will find it listed under the "Critical Updates" section of the page. Internet Explorer 3 UsersUsers of Internet Explorer 3 should first upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer 4 and then obtain the patch. Information on updating to Internet Explorer 4 can be found from the Internet Explorer download site Additional DetailsIn addition to the product guidelines above, you can determine if you have an affected version of mshtml.dll by following these instructions. In Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT 4.0
In Windows 3.1x
On a Macintosh
More InformationPlease see the following references for more information related to this issue:
AcknowledgementsMicrosoft wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Georgi Guninski for originally reporting this problem. Revisions
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