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For Windows 9X Users
About This List This is not a definitive list. You may have your own favorites. Good. Let me know so I can include them. I have included security sites. They may not be Windows 98 specific but all of us should be security aware. Some of the site descriptions I have taken directly from the Web sites. I encourage you to visit each of the sites and make your own decision on its importance to you. All the sites listed are http sites. Only one of them is a FTP site and its full address is shown. This list will be posted at my Windows Assistance site at Microsoft Sites Windows Update can only be accessed by Internet browsers that support ActiveX Controls. I use Netscape Communicator 4.71 and it has the ActiveX controls enabled. It is called Microsoft ActiveX Portability Container (NPWrap). Prior to my having to re-install Windows 98 I could go to the Windows Update site using Netscape Communicator and get the latest updates from Microsoft with ActiveX working just fine. It still works ok using Internet Explorer. The Opera Internet browser will go to the correct page but it is blank. So it appears that I must use Internet Explorer if I want Microsoft to check my computer and advise me to the needed updates. I also have to use Internet Explorer for just about anything I do at the Microsoft site since ActiveX is used extensively. I should be able to fix the ActiveX problem with Netscape but I havent had time. If anyone knows the cure please let me know. Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base of technical support information and self-help tools for Microsoft products. Subscribe to TechNet Flash e-mail Newsletter, FREE technology information and updates, expert insight and updates on product issues, glitches and other information we'd prefer didn't exist. Go to: About TechNet and select Free bi-weekly updates. Microsofts front page to all of the Windows products. Or go directly to Windows 98. This is where you can get your Windows 98 updated. You should have a Windows Update selection on your Start button. Get Downloads, Help and Information At . . . Before going to this site you will need to know what file you are looking for. Go to: for a listing of devices and what file to download. For even more fun start at pc911 -- It's a site that offers computer help in the form of tutorials that cover everything from how to use the Internet to installing hardware and even overclocking. Good site for all types of software. If I am looking for any software I generally look here first. One visit and you will understand why I list this site. Find out how to uninstall parts of Windows 98 and lighten the load on your resources. Want to remove Internet Explorer and Outlook Express? They will show you how. Not just a Windows help site. Windows Magazine has been ported to the Web. Be warned. This site uses a LOT of small graphics and their pages can take while to download. Be patient. Another problem I recently had with their homepage. It would disable my Wacom tablet. They were doing some sniffing around. So beware. I have sent them an e-mail about this and will not return to them until I get some kind of answer. Will update you at my site (see below.) Security Required reading. is designed to facilitate discussion on security related topics, create security awareness, and to provide the Internet's largest and most comprehensive database of security knowledge and resources to the public. Along with Gibson Research this is a required site. Learn how to secure your computer. They also provide information on Cookies. Learn everything you didnt want to know about those information tidbits called cookies. Gibson Research. Excellent site for security information. Go to the ShieldsUp! page and check your security. Hardware Facts A guide to PC motherboards. Has a new look but still an excellent reference site. Microprocessor Center. Learn about the different types of x86 chips and what they can and cant do. Get the latest news and information on USB products. Another site featuring USB know how and USB products. 1394 Firewire Firewire or IEEE 1394 is a high-speed input/output port. Firewire is an Apple trademark. Products for the PC may be identified as IEEE 1394. 1394/Firewire Information and Resources This site is devoted to DV (and its related formats - DVC, DVCAM, DVCPRO, etc.) and Firewire (also known as IEEE-1394). DV™ is a digital video format, supported by a consortium of over 50 companies. Firewire™ is a serial data transfer protocol and interconnection system, used (amongst other things) to transmit DV. Firewire was originally developed by Apple Computer, Inc. In 1995, Firewire was standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers as IEEE 1394-1995. 1394 Trade Association maintains extensive amount of information on IEEE-1394. Windows Assistance This list and other information will be posted at my Windows Assistance site. The address is I hope you will take the time to visit and leave a comment. See ya. |